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Meet Bryan University Medical Assisting Graduate Tanisha Jackson

A smiling woman

Meet Tanisha Jackson, a Bryan University Clinical Medical Assistant Certificate Program graduate. Tanisha was always drawn to the medical field, inspired by family members who work in the field and her love of people. 

“It was just a calling to the medical field. I felt like it was always in me,” she said. “I was praying for something I would love and be interested in.” 

Tanisha searched for schools to begin her career in healthcare, and she came across Bryan University several times. She said BU stuck out, and she decided to just go for it. She said the process of getting started was quick and seamless. 

“Everyone was great. The whole process was so quick and so easy. The staff, even for financial aid, were detailed in the explanations and broke it down so I could understand. Everything was just easy.” 

Learning online allowed Tanisha to complete her work around her already busy schedule, and she loved getting to know the other students. Even learning virtually, Tanisha said they were able to connect, and she still keeps up with some of them today.  

She also loved her instructors and said they went out of their way to ensure students understood the assignments, even using games and other creative methods to help them retain information. 

“The teachers, they were phenomenal. They were always there to help you if you needed it. If you were having problems in certain areas, they were there. You could contact them at any time.”

Tanisha said the virtual clinicals were her favorite part of the program, in particular, learning to draw blood. It was especially helpful to be able to repeat the learning modules as many times as she needed and to be able to re-submit work.  

“You get a kit, it comes in a box, it has an arm, the needles, everything that you need — alcohol pads, tourniquets,” she said. “You do it in parts, and you explain it like I’m finding where the vein is, doing the alcohol rub, and tying the tourniquet.” 

Now, after completing her program, Tanisha works in a surgery hospital. She loves her role and said her favorite part is interacting with the patients. 

“I love people, I’m a people person. I love talking to the patients and laughing with them. I love being able to advocate for them when they can’t. That’s the best thing ever — if I can make them happy, I’m happy.” 

She said completing BU’s program gave her pride in her accomplishment and provided more job opportunities. “There’s always a need out there, and I love it, I just love it.”  

In addition to making herself proud, Tanisha said she hopes going back to school shows others they can do whatever they set their mind to.

“It gave me the opportunity to show my son that even at my age, I’m 44, there’s nothing that can stop you if you put your heart and your mind into something, and if it’s something you truly want you can go for it no matter how old you are.”  

Tanisha’s advice to anyone thinking about furthering their education is to give it their all and not let anything stand in their way. 

“Don’t limit yourself, don’t put yourself in a box — think outside of the box. If you have the desire to achieve a goal you’ve set out for, do not let anything or anyone stop you. Go for it no matter how old or young you are or how busy your schedule is. Achieve your goals; don’t stop for anything.” 

And for anyone considering an education at Bryan University, Tanisha said, “Go for it, absolutely 100%. I love it; people are there to help you, and people are there for you. They want you to complete the goals you’ve set out for yourself. With these professors, you couldn’t pick a better place. I just love it here.” 

Ready to get started? Learn more about Bryan University’s Clinical Medical Assistant Undergraduate Certificate today! 

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