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Meet Jyneicia Bryant, Bryan University Graphic Design Graduate

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Meet Jyneicia Bryant, a Bryan University graduate who earned her degree in Graphic Design. Jyneicia wanted to earn a degree and refine the natural creative skills she already had. She was already a student at BU when she switched to graphic design from a program that ultimately wasn’t for her. “I knew when I got into this program that I was going to finish it. This program just hit my heart in a way where it brought me so much therapy.” 

Jyneicia loved her time at BU, from her instructors to her classmates. The most fulfilling part for her was getting to watch her work come to life. “Bryan University sits right here in my heart,” she said. “I love how BU connects with the students and the resources they provide for students, like success coaches. Everyone is always responsive via email, phone calls — whatever questions you have, someone is there.” 

The first course all BU students take is UNV 101, an extension of orientation that helps students develop a growth mindset. Jyneicia said this course made it possible for her to earn her degree. 

“Having grit is what got me through my degree program, and I appreciate BU for highlighting that so strongly because BU understands life happens, but when we have grit, we can get through anything,” she said. “I appreciate that BU instills that in us and helps us get in the right mindset going into these programs.”   

Jyneicia’s biggest challenge during her time at BU was balancing her personal life and her assignments. She overcame that challenge because she was determined, and she knew her intentions were in the right place. “Check your intentions; why are you pursuing a degree? Your intentions have to be right in order to succeed. Make sure your intentions are in the right place so you can succeed even during those times when you don’t want to submit your assignments.” 

Having dedicated and supportive instructors also played a huge role in Jyneicia’s success. “I have no complaints whatsoever. BU made it comfortable for me to ask whatever questions I needed to ask,” she said. “It’s set up to where you have no choice but to come in, do your work, and communicate, and BU is going to make sure you get through to the end if you do your part.” 

She loved that the program challenged her creatively, and in addition to learning in the Adobe Creative Cloud, she loved using YellowDig to connect with her classmates. “It’s like the hallway between classes.” 

Her advice for anyone thinking about pursuing a degree in graphic design is to be prepared to get pushed creatively and not be afraid of the challenge. “The biggest advice I can give is to just listen to what they say. Bryan is going to help you, get you through your program, and make sure you graduate as long as you apply what you know.”   

Are you ready to earn your degree in Graphic Design? Learn more online today!   

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